My usual race recap follows a sequential timeline from
beginning to end. While end of this
story is what I was anticipating for over a year. The beginning of the weekend was what really
counted. So here begins the end to beginning. Enjoy! I hope the following words are
grammatically correct and sequentially make sense. I tried to squeeze as much as possible in the
following sentences.
Finally, the Finish Line.
About a half mile away to the finish line, I said to Brian
Carty who kept me company for about a mile, "I'm going to pick up the
pace." Off I went down the fairly
un-crowded dimly lit street of Rio Salado.
I can hear music ahead and the voice of Ironman shouting. The fork up ahead created by traffic cones
indicating 1 more loop for the run on the left and I was happy to stay to the
right toward the finish line.
About, 100 yards later, I saw my daughter, Emily focusing my
wife's phone to take a picture of me.
That brought me back to the hospital room where I held her in my arms
for the first time, and softly saying "I love you" with a gentle kiss
on her forehead as she nestled into my chest.
I leaned over the fence to take a selfie with her and noticed my
youngest sitting on the ground. He
eventually realized I finally made it back and stood up and he kept on rising taller
like a bean stalk. With is 4 foot tall
frame, he smiled from his short slumber.
I thought to myself that smile is going to make a big impact on the
world. A spectator asked if he would
like to take the picture and took the phone.
The image came out awesome! I
kissed the both of them and turned towards the finish line.
The speakers blared "Rock around the Clock" by
Bill Haley and his Comets ahead of me.
The Lights shined at me like I was a Rock Star and the crowds on both
sides were screaming at me, warming up the finish line ending the unexpectedly
long chilly evening. As I finished my
pivot, I paused for a brief moment and said to myself, "Wow, this is
it!" I didn't want it to be quite
over yet and at the same time I wanted to be complete with this chapter.
I picked up the pace, smiled ear to ear and gave a few high
fives on the right side of the chute. I
waited for the voice of Mike Reilly to finally say my official finish statement
that I have rehearsed for him in my head hundreds of times. Apparently, he changed up the words and
shouted into his microphone, "Noah Lam, New York . You're an Ironman, Noah. Congratulations!" With the last 10 feet into the archway, I
crossed the finish line with mixed feelings about my performance and the
complete satisfaction of doing my best.
I was feeling lucky to finish, lucky to be alive and just plain lucky. My arms swung a little more to guide my last
few steps before acknowledging my Wildwood Warrior Friends but looked at the
wrong camera. Taking it all in!
I scanned the sidelines for Irene and Zachary, and then I
was greeted by a volunteer, Bill, who said they ran out of heat shields and I
said that I was ok. Bill said that he
would take care of me. There was a
little jam up in front of me trying to get their medallions draped over
them. Bill asked if I needed anything
and I replied, "I've been waiting for this all day." as I pointed
towards the volunteer with medals hanging offer her arms. I lowered my head and she said,
"Congratulations" while draping me with my Ironman Arizona 2014
I continued to scan the perimeter for Irene and
Zachary. Finally, I heard Irene shouting
for me. I wanted to jump the fence but
there was more space between and she started to take pictures. Her smile was brighter than any spotlight and
I am one lucky guy! I am going to have
so much fun being her Sherpa as she does her Ironman in 2016. She supported me more that she would ever
Then Zachary, my definite future Ironman, shouted at me, and
I turned and he took more pictures with my phone of which my Facebook friends
received a few updates during the day. I
look so forward to doing an Ironman with him.
He loves this stuff! He even got
me on video!
Bill, handed me my finishers hat and shirt, and I took my
final poses with the official photographer.
Bill guided me to the finishers area and congratulated me one last
time. The chocolate milk volunteer greeted
me with a bottle. I saw the pizza
thinking I would devour it, but ended up tossing it as I was not hungry at all.
Finally, I emerged out of the finishers area and met up with
Irene and the kids. So happy to see them
as they hugged me. We took a few more
pics, and Zachary asked it I heard him down the finishers chute. I said it was very loud and so he showed me
the video he took. "Yeah,
Dad!" says it all.
4:32 pm Run Start
I came out of the men's change room tent and it felt great
to have gotten off my bike after the wind pushed me around. I wore
my New York City Marathon Asics Shorts and my Island Harvest running
shirt. The sunscreen volunteer stopped me
and slathered more sunscreen on my arms, legs and the back of my neck. The family was cheering me on from the left
side as I ran out of the Run Out Archway.
It was a 4 mile out and back down the side of the reservoir that we swam
in this morning, and I was doing good with my 12:00 minute pace that I wanted
to do for the first hour then turn up the notch. I was playing it safe. Unfortunately, my pace suffered from GI
Issues that probably came towards the end of the bike. All the jostling around had me visit the
Port-a-Potty all too often during the run course and I ended up walking a lot more
than expected.
As I returned and hit Mile 4, I stopped and kissed the kids
and Irene for the first time on the course and that really helped. However, I could not keep the running motion
and I started to run/walk. It was
disappointing to start walking because I saved my legs during the bike. I was really cautious not to burn my matches
on the bike. While, I was not planning
on winning anything this year, so I just enjoyed the rest of the race.
I passed the Run Aid Station that Irene and I worked last year. This year, their theme was some kind of Wild Wild West. It was great with a bunch of people dressed in cowboy and cowgirl outfits. And they even remembered me from last year :) On my second loop, they had the World Famous Chicken Broth. It was awesome!
I passed the Run Aid Station that Irene and I worked last year. This year, their theme was some kind of Wild Wild West. It was great with a bunch of people dressed in cowboy and cowgirl outfits. And they even remembered me from last year :) On my second loop, they had the World Famous Chicken Broth. It was awesome!
By walking instead of running, I was greeted by my Cactus
Buddies on the course, who ran or walked passed. They recognized me from my jacket or face and
tattoo, and thanked me for putting together
our Facebook Group Page. This
Ironman Arizona 2014 group banded together to talk about the race and training
as it should. What I was amazed with was
the camaraderie that developed among us.
I don't think I could have finished with a smile without them. They put a perspective that this race was
more than any one of us and put it on whole new level of community. We all came across the country to converge on
Tempe and made
the best of it!
It was a surprise and very humbling when someone began their
sentence, "Are you Noah, who started the Facebook Group? I wanted to thank you for that." Again, I have to thank each person in the group
for making our group special. Especially,
Michael Dellow for heading up the Cactus Buddy Temporary Tattoo Project and Emory
Fuqua for the awesome design! It will be
something that will be carried on for future Ironman Arizona Classes.
9:12 am Bike
As I ran past the "swim out" to log my time and I
hit the lap button on my watch and I noticed that I swam for 2.75 miles in
1:58, no wonder it felt like forever, because it really was forever! Expecting 1 hour and 45 minutes max, well at
least I was under 2 hours! A few of my
Cactus Buddies yelled my name and a volunteer said, "Wow, you have a
cheering section." A female
volunteer then yells, "Over here!"
I get on the ground and she shouts, "Hips up!" It was interesting that I had 2 females
struggling to get my wetsuit off! Now
back to the report. The team handed me my
suit and I ran towards the changing tent.
Irene and the kids yelled from the side lines as I passed! So happy that they got a good spot, and so
glad I got contacts to see them smiling!
Time to get my T1 bags and I hear someone shout my
name. I glance around and then finally
upwards towards the bridge above to recognize Candi Jackson. She can recognize me from that far away! A volunteer shouted 2675 so that the other
volunteers can get my Swim to Bike Transition Bag ready. I don't remember if they handed it to me or I
grabbed it off the floor, but all of the sudden I am in a tent full of guys
stripping and getting ready to roll. It
seemed like a blur as I open my bag, pulled out my Island Harvest Cycling
Jersey filled with my food, took off my Wildwood Warrior Tri Shorts, then put
on my Island Harvest Cycling Short, wiped my feet with my shorts, socks were
donned and finally my Pearl Izumi bike shoes.
Eventually, I stuffed my Xterra Wetsuit and anything left over that I
did not need back into that red bag, and tied it up. Hmmm, this wetsuit is going to be disgusting
when it comes home? As I left the tent,
I handed my bag to a volunteer and got slathered with sunscreen. My arms and legs were covered with a clear
sunscreen, and when he applied the gel on the back of my neck. Sting!!!!!
No time to complain about the chaffing caused by the wetsuit!
I jogged down the center aisle to greet the TARDIS, my Felt
B12 bike. She was still on the rack and
the volunteer grabbed her then handed her to me. I left my My Athlete Live tracker on the bike
with my bib attached to the belt. I took
a few seconds to unclip then clip the belt around my waist and I shuffled off
to the Bike Out. No panicking, only
calmness as I left the transition area to climb on to the TARDIS at the Bike
Mount area. I have at least 6 hours on
the bike. Irene and the kids made their
way to that part of the course and screamed for me :) Off I went towards the Bee Line Highway .
Starting with Rio
Salado Blvd , I passed Sun Devil Stadium and then a
left on to S. McClintock Drive
where I was hit with 20 mph headwinds. I
knew it was coming and all I had to do was stay in my power zone. Staying within the watts that my Coach
discussed would save my legs for the run.
Eventually, I turned on to the Bee Line Highway . The wind seemed to get stronger and biking up
an incline at the same time made the ride tougher. I
pedaled evenly up the long hill. I was
so looking forward to the turn around, where I knew I would make up some time.
Finally, I see the turn around sign, and I get up out of the
saddle to stretch and more important position myself so that I do not crash or
crash into anyone. Immediately at the
last traffic cone, I pedaled stronger and felt the pull of gravity and the push
of the tailwind assisting me. I did not
slow for any aid that was there on the west side of the highway and I zoomed
My bike climbing skills are lacking and I will be working on
that during the off season, so I can keep up with my friends. However, with Newton 's discovery, I usually zip passed the
good climbers to play tag. "On your
left!" was repeated many times today!
And when I thought I was moving quickly, on my left sounded like a
freight train. I heard, "On your
left!" and someone passed. The P on
their calf signified Professional.
Hmmmm, How do I get paid to do
triathlons? Ok, get your head in the
game, I said to myself.
Heading back to town, there were the same lefts and rights
that I had to navigate on my way out, and I enjoyed the clanging of the cow
bells and cheers. Before the turn
around, taped on the road was 2+3 laps on the left lane and Finish on the right
lane, and I was ready to make the turn. I did not see the kids as I was focused on
making the turn, and back out again!
This second loop, I knew I needed to relieve my
bladder. Note, the professionals and
many fast athletes will just go on the bike.
Me on the other hand has not practiced that technique so I waited for
the last minute to jump off my bike and go.
I remembered a Port-a-Potty that
seemed less congested and stopped at it.
There even was a volunteer to hold the bike while I did what I had to
On my way up the hill and into the headwind, I focused on
the rider ahead to ensure the 4 length bike distance so that I would not be
penalized. That was difficult because
the wind made it very difficult to maintain that type of distance (I know a few
people who received red card penalties.
Eventually, I remembered to enjoy the race, so finally I got
out of my aero position and sat up for a moment to look around. This whole weekend I've been so focused on
what to do during the race that I never saw any cactuses in their natural
habitat. Looking around for a minute, I
saw a few cactuses. Then I looked
forward again, crouched down and increased my power and staying alert for the
road ahead. Biking in strong headwinds
and eventual fast speeds requires concentration. Unfortunately the sight seeing can be enjoyed
the next time I visit, which we are due to visit the Grand
Canyon .
There were many accidents cause by the wind. My friend from the group, Amy Avery, cracker her
skull, broke her clavicle and a bunch of ribs.
She was taken away by ambulance and is now stable. Biking is something you can do at
leisure. For now, it's all business with
wind gusts, and making sure I make the cut off times and distances. Many of my friend were unfortunately pulled
off the course. The wind slowed many

Playing tag with Joanne Winglett broke up the monotony for
part of the course. Passing each other
going back and forth, until I had to go to the port-a-potty. She speed passed and shouted, "Ha! Ha!
Tag Your It!" I never saw her again
for the rest of the race. What made that
special was that she was the first person that I met walking into the Tempe Town Lake Park
last year to wait in line to register for this race, along with Javier Flores
and Ramon Sandoval (who did not make it to Tempe this year).
Eventually, I made it back and smiled when I saw that Finish
word on the road made with orange tape.
It was great to see the kids cheering me as I rode my bike to the
dismount line. Of course right after I
handed my bike over, I ran through the wrong entrance. I turned around then remembered that my
Garmin was left on my bike. I turned
around and yelled, "Wait!" 4
volunteers stopped and I grabbed my watch.
I snapped my watch back on its wrist band and I hit the lap button.
7:04 am Swim
As usual, I find myself in line
for the Port-a-Potties before the race and this was no exception. Michael JJ Ennis gave me some great tips as
we waited. I was happily reunited with
Roger Choplas who did Timberman 70.3 in August with me. Irene eventually made it to the where I was
waiting and took some pics. She kept on
prodding me to hurry up as the swim start was about to commence, and I kept it
easy. Maybe I was a little too
relaxed. In hindsight, I should have
listened to my wife, as she is always right!
Eventually, my wetsuit was on and I
even zipped it up all by myself. I
walked over to the swim start along with the thousands of athletes looking to
get going. Everyone looks the same,
either they had green swim caps for guys, pink swim caps for the girls and the
white All World Athletes who are typically the top athletes of the Ironman
The cannon shot off at 6:45am for
the professionals, and I was still in line moving slowly towards the jump-in
point. Unfortunately, the swim start was
about 300 yards from the jump-in. Now I
was getting a little worried that I would have to add to my swim time and I
heard the announcer say that they will be starting at 7:05am because there were
still many people behind me. Great, I
have another 5 minutes and I still have to get down past the 2nd bridge. Eventually, I jumped in and started my front
crawl to the starting line. After
passing the 1st bridge, I looked up to see can catch Irene and the kids on the
bridge. I think I saw them, and I waved
as if they can see me. Regardless, that
made me feel good and I took a few more strokes and the cannon boomed.
I then said, "Oh
well!" At least, I will not have
too many people kick me during this mass start and I started my watch time
about 150 yards from the start, I was
worried about swimming as straight as possible and I did my best to get closer
to the buoys, so that I can draft off of a few people. But, it seemed that I stayed about 50 yards
away for most of the race. A few
swimmers crossed in front of me, which I thought was odd because I was in the
middle of no where.
Just before the first turn which would be about 1 mile, I
looked up on my breathing stroke to see my watch flash 00:48:08, and I thought,
doing good! Then I made the 2nd turn and
headed back to the start. This part of
the race I notice a few swells that made me go up and down. I was thinking the boats were getting too
close, but it seemed that the wind have really kicked up. During the disorientation, I swallowed some
of Tempe 's
Finest H2O. Hope that does not bother me
later on in the race.
I make the left turn around the last red turn buoy, and sited
for the exit stairs, about 200 yards away.
That's about another 4-5 minutes before I can get out of the water. Yes!
As I approached the final strokes of the swim I come up to
the lowest step. The volunteer instructs
me to put my knee on the step to help get me up. Instead I remembered what my friend Ramon
said to do, so I placed my left hand on the step and my right hand on the
railing to push and pull to put my butt on that step. I heard the volunteer say, "That will
work." and I eventually stood up. I
was worried that I would be wobbly as I was horizontal for almost 2 hours, but
I step sure footed to the wetsuit strippers.
2:00 am Waking up the Day of the Race
Going to bed early and waking up early due to the change in
time zone seemed ok for me. However I
was not expecting to open my eyes at 2am MST.
I creep out of the room and walked to the elevators and sat down and made
some quick posts before going back to the room.
Eventually, I got another 30 minutes before I was waken to my alarm
ringtone of Ironman Anything is Possible YouTube Video with Hall of Fame theme
Surprisingly, I was not anxious or nervous. I was chilling :) It was because I trained for this day, and I
treated this day no different than any training workout. It just happened to be an all day workout!
8:15 am Saturday Swim Practice
After breakfast at NCounter, Irene and the kids went back to
the room to hang out and relax. I head
over to the swim start to take a practice swim.
I set up a meet and greet before the swim practice and thought it would
be great to see some faces in 3D instead of the memes and 2D images that
typically populate our profile pictures.
I was a little anxious, since I have not swam in open water
in a long time and with the combination of scary stories about the water. I was not sure want to expect.
I approached the area by the steps and notice Michael Dellow
dolling out some Cactus Buddy Tattoos and Mike Kreza talking to a few people,
and I thought I must be in the correct vicinity of our Ironman Arizona 2014
Facebook Group.
All of the sudden, I was greeted by several people who were
waiting for me. And I did my best to
chat with everyone as each person was so amazing and inspiring. Then we took our group picture and then
prepared for the swim.
By the way, the water was fine as I swam to the swim start
and back to practice on the steps to exit.
While murky, the water was at the right temperature and freshness! My wetsuit even felt good, probably because
my body shrank in the cooler water.
Friday - Bike Problems
I was excited to be reunited with the TARDIS, and as my
Coach instructed. I took her for a spin.
However, it was cut short as my rear shifter popped right off the aerobar. I grimaced and sighed. I turned around and headed towards he Ironman Village and straight to the Bike
Repair. Thank goodness this happened
this day and not on race day. They were
able to replace the shifter. It might
not be the best shifter, but it would do and get me through the bike.
Again, I was not phased and even if it did happen during
race day. I think I would have taken it
in stride. Now off to get the family
from the airport!
Visiting the Boys and Girls Club of Metro Phoenix on Thursday
My flight from Islip
MacArthur Airport
to Phoenix , Arizona was uneventful. I enjoyed the canned water and the famous
Southwest Peanuts. Both airports are
uncongested and easy to arrive and depart from.
I timed it just perfectly to check in the hotel room and it
was ready. Perfect, I can check in at
the Ironman Village and get my wristband and park my
bike in the room.
I walked down Mills to the Village. As I checked in, I heard someone call my
name. It was Pamela Batungbacal
and Suzanne Peasley. I was surprised
someone recognized me. I said hello and
off I went to sign the waivers, get my wrist band and goodie bag. It is cool bag!
Next, I went to get my bike from Tri Bike
Transport. They must have transported
about 1000 bikes. I scanned the area and
found my bike in the group. It just so
happened to be close by and on the side.
They attached my pedals and water bottle cage. All set and returned to my room.
Michael Dellow and I were invited to speak to the
kids at the Boys and Girls Club of Metro Phoenix. This started when someone from the group said
that they created a tattoo doing a different Ironman, which made it easier for
the members of the group to recognized each other. Emory Fuqua created a cool image and Rebecca Ann Neumeier name it, Cactus
Who knew
that we would raise close to $2,000 for this great organization that provides a
refuge for many kids from elementary to high school by selling one Cactus Buddy
Temporary Tattoo at a time. So every
time I saw that tat, I felt proud that we were able to give back to those kids.
It was an amazing feeling knowing that the group I started last year was able
to give a gift to some amazing kids, who one day might grow up to become
President, incredible Business Leaders and are the next generation of athletes. I look forward for them to pay it forward!
kids are our future and we got the chance to introduce Ironman to them. Yes, they thought we were talking about Tony
Stark at first :)
Training hard for a year to do give something back was priceless!
Final Words
The Ironman Motto of "Anything is Possible" pushed my limits and made this year magical. I did things in 2014 that I thought was not
possible a few years back. Many thanks
for many that made it possible for me to keep doing what I LOVE doing. And to put that into perspective, my goal is
to make this a Healthier World for All Kids to step into, especially mine. Creating the next generation of athletes and
having them pay it forward keeps me going.
We raised about $5,000 for help fight hunger for Island Harvest and
raise about $2,000 for the Boys and Girls Club of Metro Phoenix. My Cactus Buddies all together raised well
over $100,000 for various charities to make this world a better place! How cool is that!
So what is next for the Lam Gang. Now that my comfort zone has expanded so that
I have more space to grow. Grow in
awesomeness, not my waist line! I am
looking forwards to help more people become healthier and wealthier! My personal racing goals for 2015 will be to run a 3:45 New York City Marathon in November, A Sub 6:00 for Challenge
Maine and run
a bunch of Half Marathons and shorter races.
What will be really excited is to train with Irene for her first 70.3 at
Princeton and volunteering at Ironman Lake
Placid, so that Irene can get an entry for IMLP 2016! More races for the kids to participate in,
which always inspires me. Working on a
triathlon relay, Emily-Swim, Zachary-Bike and Elijah-Run.
Regardless, of how I do in any event. The one thing that I am most proud of was
that I had the opportunity to make someone's race experience better. I am so looking forward to seeing more of
that community help shape the future.
Triathlon has the right combination of people to make the world a better
Again, congrats to all the Finishers! And more importantly, I so admire and super inspired by those who are looking for redemption because they did not get to the start or did not finish!
Ultimately, it's about being part of something larger than