Thursday, January 30, 2014
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Battle of the Sexes - The Challenge

Especially for the "off season", you're invited for
some Friendly Competition Cross Training Fun at the Battle of the Sexes - The Challenge, more
importantly stay in shape with fitness and nutrition for your next big race.
For more details visit
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Ironman Training - Run - January 24, 2014
My head said 12 miles, but I ended up with 7 miles on the treadmill at World Gym. I ramped up the speed from 5 mph to 6, but it felt so hard. I will make the attempt during the week.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Ironman Training - Swim - January 23, 2014
Today, I decided to get my swim in. Did about a mile, not sure if how accurate my Garmin is. I did swim about 40 minutes and it felt great! I use to be worried about getting to the other side of the pool, and all was thinking, you can do this :)
To finish off the day, Irene and I are doing Focus T25 - Upper Focus. Still working my core as much as possible. Also including some hip exercised that my Triathlon Coach emailed me!
Click here for Savings on Focus T25
To finish off the day, Irene and I are doing Focus T25 - Upper Focus. Still working my core as much as possible. Also including some hip exercised that my Triathlon Coach emailed me!
Click here for Savings on Focus T25
Monday, January 20, 2014
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Sayville Running Company 10 Mile Run to the Brewery
This awesome race was filled with many runners who ran the
local streets. At first, we all ran past
and then away from the Blue Point Brewing Company, around the towns of Blue
Point and Bayport, and finally back towards the brewery. In the title of the
race, I figured the run would be a point to point race. In reality it was a nice
Irene and I were greeted by many friends at the race, which
is always cool. We got to put a face to
different Facebook friends as well, which is even cooler. Most of them were at least 2-5 minutes faster
than us, and they took off as soon as the timer started.
Many of the runners have trained on the course during the
weeks leading up to the race.
Unfortunately, my schedule did not allow for me to get to know all the
lefts and rights. Actually, I prefer
running on a course that I have never done before. The adventure of doing something new always
keeps the left and right fresh. I have
run on the South Shore of Long Island and it is usually flat, which was a
perfect long run to start 2014 with as I build my base for my Ironman race in
I did my best to run the course in tangents like I normally
do during a long run, basically to reduce the actual miles during the race,
especially with all the corners I encountered during this race. I must have saved at least a 1/2 mile
overall during this chilly day.
Both Blue Point and Bayport are quaint Long
Island suburban neighborhoods that include very small and very
large homes along the tree lined streets.
The best scenery during the race was a left turn onto Newport Street , that opened up to the Great South Bay .
You can see Fire Island in the
During the race, I thought about what is going to happen in
2014 and I look forward to sharing my adventures with you. The last mile I quickened my pace a little,
which slowed after mile after mile. I
noticed that my untrained legs were feeling tired as they should be since I
have not been running as much as I should for a 10 mile race. Never-the-less, I love challenges. The good thing is that I have lost 12 pounds with
some swimming, biking, very little running, and Focus T25 over the past 6
weeks, and that really helped the pounding on the joint that comes from running.
As I cross the finish line I stopped the watch around
01:45:43. I wanted to make sure I broke
2 hours and I was also thinking of breaking 01:50. Which I did with out stopping. Actually, I hesitated at Mile 6.3 for some
Gatorade because I did not want to spill any onto my glove. Staying dry is important. Normally I would not care about getting wet,
but temperatures close to freezing does not make for a fun run. Anyway, a bunch of little plastic 6oz cups
were filled with water a few yards from the finish. I grabbed a cup and walked back on the course
to cheer on Irene on her finish. She did
a great 2 hours and 15 minutes.
We walked back to the Brewery who had a Tent set up with
refreshments that included, soda, cakes, sandwiches, fruit and of course
Beer! A live band was jamming away in
the middle of the tent. We grabbed some
goodies for the kids and headed home. It
was good run.
Friday, January 17, 2014
Focus T25 Coupon

So many people they just don't have TIME to workout. So Shaun T created Focus T25 to get a time saving great workout. By the end of the 25 minutes you will be dripping with sweat and feeling good!
To be informed and updated with the latest discounts P90X3 or Beachbody Products, like TurboFire, Insanity or Brazil Butt Lift. Click Here and Get your Free Membership with Coach Noah and get the latest deals
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Road ID - Who Am I - Safety Tips when Training
There was a recent story of Rynn Berry , 68, who
collapsed from a cardiac arrest after jogging in Prospect
Park in Brooklyn . The scary thing was that he was unconscious at
New York Methodist Hospital
for several days until his half-brother, Charles, identified him. Unfortunately, he did not carry any
identification with him so that they can contact his family sooner. It was only until the authorities released
his picture to the public that anyone knew that the Vegetarian Expert was
missing. In fact, a friend posted his
picture on my Facebook Wall, so that I can share the picture to the different
running groups that I belong to help identify him.
Many professional and amateur athletes never think that a
short run, bike or swim will finish in a hospital. It's the last thing anyone thinks about. In fact as more and more people are getting
fit and training for different races, the odds are that you might get into an
accident with car. Or what do you do if
you slip and fall and hit your noggin.
Who will anyone know who to call.
It's more and more important to prepare, regardless of how
long you will be out. If it's 5 minutes
to 6 hours, it only takes a few minutes to prepare. 1. If
you can, let someone know where you will be going and for how long. If you don't come back by the time you
suggested, they should start worrying and they at least know where you might
have gone. 2. Bring your Cell Phone. While it is a pain to carry a cell phone, if
something bad happens you can still call someone to pick you up. 3.
Hydrate. Either carry a water
bottle with your favorite hydration liquid, stash your water along the route,
or bring money or a credit card to buy something at the store. 4.
Most important is to carry some kind of identification and emergency
contact info.
I use to carry my
wallet and a credit card in case something happened or I needed to get
something to eat during a long run. Then I got use to running without. That is why I am so happy that my wife bought me a
Road ID bracelet. I started not to carry anything, because I did not want to be
weighed down with anything. So when I received my gift. It was the perfect gift for me. Basically it's a ID bracelet that has customized
print laser etched on to the metallic plate. It has my name, my wife name and phone and my
mothers info. It gives my wife a peace of mind.
For more info visit Road ID and sign up for their newsletter for tips and savings!

Thursday, January 9, 2014
P90X3 Coupon Codes and Discounts
P90X is now in it's third version called surprisingly P90X3! Beachbody and Tony Horton took the best from P90X and P90X2 along with new fitness technology and created a new workout that is only 30 minutes long. And because it's 30 minutes, it is not a day at the park.
To be informed and stay updated with the latest discounts P90X3 or Beachbody Products, like TurboFire, Insanity or Brazil Butt Lift. Click Here and Get your Free Membership with Coach Noah
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
In the Saddle with the Adamo Time Trial
So when I purchased my Triathlon Bike, it came
with the Prologo Nago Evo Tri40 saddle.
While I have ridden several hours on it, I felt or I should say my Butt
felt the need to test out a different seat and get more comfortable in
preparation of hours of riding for the months ahead of me. My estimation
for the the bike portion of my Ironman will be about 6 to 8 hours. That
is a long time for anyone to sit, and a really long time to sit on basically a
rail with some padding, so might as well test out different seats.

I heard great things about the comfort from a brand called Adamo by ISM Seat. A bunch of my friends are using it, and as I researched further, I realized there were different models to choose from. They have a seat finder and I began to narrow the choices for a performance, triathlon, flat and Ironman distance. It looks like if I chose hills, the options change, so I will take on the Time TrialModel first
After a bike clinic at my bike shop, Carl Hart. I decided to take the test model home. It was easy to swap out, but I still needed to position the saddle correctly. So I visited the ISM site and watched the video for tips. Unlike a normal saddle with a single nose, the Adamo splits the nose and widens the split nose to accommodate the sit bones which is all you need to sit. Basically the muscles and fat are there for cushion when you sit on a chair, but for a bicycle, you don't really need your muscle and fat that is attached to your butt.
I made the seat adjustments as best I could and began an interval type of ride. While, I was thinking it would feel like I would be sitting in my Herman Miller Office Chair. It did feel better than the Prologo saddle, but after a half an hour, I noticed that my right ____ was getting a little numb. So I moved around and readjusted.
Overall, it was better than other my current seat, and I will test out another Adamo models and keep making adjustments and fine tuning my experience as I train for my races.
Monday, January 6, 2014
P90X3 Cross Training Shoe by Asics
Tony Horton mentions this shoe while he is explaining the moves in P90X3. Since there are alot of side to side movements, a running shoe typically is designed to front and back motion, and not side to side. He does not mentioned the brand in the DVD's but it appears to be the Asics Fortius TR Cross Training Shoe.
This one is in black
This one is for women
This one is the ASICS Men's Gel-Fortius TR 2 Training Shoe
Click here to find savings for the Asics Cross Trainers or other Cross Trainers
Learn more about Tony Horton's Latest Workout 22 Minute Hard Corps!
Check Here to Get the Latest Info!

Ready to win a Beachbody Program? Click Here to Watch a Video about an Opportunity that can change your life!
*Please note that some links on my website are affiliate links where the company pays me a little bit to share their offerings. Also I am a Team Beachbody Coach and some of those thinks link you to my Beachbody websites. The links do not cost you anything additional to use them and you will be helping cover the costs of this website so I can continue to share my adventures. Thanks for your support!
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Ironman Training - Learn to Change a Tire
Today I took a Bike Repair Clinic on how to change a
Tire. For the longest time, I wasn't
sure what to do. Even watching a few
YouTube Videos, I still felt very uncomfortable removing my tire and tacking this task. I'd rather bring my tire into the tiny shop
around the corner and have them do it.
However, as I started my triathlon training, being proficient at
changing my tire tube was an absolute and not an option any more. Otherwise these articles will be about
walking instead of training for my Ironman.

10 people showed up with their front tires and stood around
Brian, the head bike mechanic explain and give some hints about what to do when
your tire goes flat. Who really wants to
be stranded on a trail or on the road. Either
you can change the flat or walk. Each
one of us wanted to ride back from where ever we rode to. Anticipating the long training rides in my future, I wanted to
make sure that if I ever get a flat that I was prepared to replace the tube. On race day, there will be bike support, but
on everyday rides, I will be alone with my thought of "Damn it!" or
"Yes, I know what to do!"
Here is what happened next:
- First thing Brian had us do was to simulate the flat, so we all deflated our tires.
- Next we used the tire levers, a piece of plastic, that you can wedge between the rim and the tire. Starting from 180 degrees from the valve stem. We stuck the lever into the tire to release it from the rim
- From there we began to move the lever around the rim, so that one side of the tire would release from the rim.
- Now we can remove the "damaged" tube
- Then we rotated the tire to inspect the tire, using our fingers to feel inside and visually inspecting the outside for any sharp objects that caused the flat. Be careful for any sharp things.
- Afterwards, inspect the rim tape, that covers the end parts of the spokes into the rim. If there are and parts exposed, you must cover them otherwise you will end up with a flat again.
- Once everything looks clear, you can grab your new tube and put a little air into it to give it some shape. It makes it easier to work with. You can use a tire pump or blow with your mouth. I opted to use my lungs for this clinic, and it was easy.
- We all started to insert the slightly inflated tube back into the tire and rim, and the little air helped push the tube back into it's original home.
- Now it was time to push back the tire into position, by starting at the valve stem side and going around the both sides at the same time pushing the rubber on the tires with our thumbs over the side of the rim. The hardest part was the section furthest away from the valve stem. However with a little fiddling, everything was back into its original spot.
- Then we re-inspected the tire-rim-tube to make sure that the tube did not stick over any sides and was inside the tire, basically you can pinch the tire around to make sure the tube was in the middle of the tire before re-inflating.
- We all waited for the tire pump, and some used a CO2 cartridge for a quicker inflation. Basically you can use a mini pump, and it can take minutes to inflate the tire. With the CO2 cartridge, it takes seconds. Brian noted to slowly use the CO2 to make sure there are no bulges before completely inflating.

What was once a scary action step has not been
demystified! I recommend that you find a
local bike shop and find out if they have any clinics. Happy Riding and see you at a Race!
Friday, January 3, 2014
How many Calories are burned during Shoveling Snow
How many Calories burned during
Shoveling Snow
By Hand
408 calories per hour
Assuming a body weight of: 150 lbs
This is equivalent to eating any of the lines of the following table.
Quantity | Description | Cals |
1.5 | Grande Starbucks Caffe Latte - Made with whole milk | 272 |
0.6 | McDonald's Big Mac - With cheese | 704 |
5.2 | Glasses of wine (3.5 fl oz) | 79 |
1.5 | Snickers Bar | 273 |
2 | Cans of Coca-Cola | 207 |
13.6 | Carrots | 30 |
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
My Ironman Journey Begins
Wow the end of 2013 has arrived. 2014, I will be reporting back on my usual running adventures that you have come to expect from me for the past 5 years. Next year, you might read something about swallowing lots of lake/river water, crashing my new bike, P90X3, or Irene and one of the kids doing their races as well. Some of you know what that is all about, others might scratching your head and thinking, “What the heck is he up to now?” Well, on November 16, 2014, as the sun sets in the distance with an interesting shade of reddish orange, with flood lights illuminating the stands filled with cheering strangers standing alongside Irene and Emily, and I eventually will grab Zachary’s and Elijah’s from the crowd to run the last tenth of a mile to cross the finish line that was set up at Tempe Beach Park in Arizona. After swimming 2.4 miles, biking 112 miles and running 26.2 miles, the plan is that Elijah and I will do a cartwheel together, as Mike Reilly announces, “Noah Lam, You are an Ironman!”
About 2 months after waking up at Stony Brook University Hospital from a seizure caused by sleep deprivation which irritated a malformation that I was apparently born with in my noggin, I turn to Irene and say, “I going to do an Ironman.” It wasn’t the meds or the frying of my grey matter. While I have been on my marathon journey to run a marathon in all 50 states, an Ironman was something that I thought about for about 2 years, especially after my friend Scott completed his Ironman race. Heck if he could do it. It was something that I added to my long bucket list. Now I am going to do it! It was the same feeling when I said to Irene, that I was going to do a marathon. It was the feeling of endless possibility. My heart said, “Why not me.”

The motto of Ironman…”Anything is Possible.”
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