- Just like any physically activity, get checked by your healthcare professional team to determine that you are healthy enough to run, especially a marathon
- Even before you take your first step, remember why you signed up in the first place. Write that reason down and put it everywhere to remind yourself, the why!
- Let everyone you know that you are doing the marathon, and you will see an overwhelming show of support!
- Go to a running store and be fitted with a good pair of running shoes
- Warming up with active stretches or ballistic stretches that warm up the muscles and stretch them at the same time.
- Find a running group-sometime you might want some motivation and run with someone. You can Google and find a local club to train with
- Preparing your routes-have an idea of where you are going so that you know where you might take a break or get some water. Become a MapMyRun.com Member and get access to Free Running Cue Sheets and Printed Running Maps
You will have an idea of how far you are running.
- Get a training plan and do your best to follow it. Those programs have been proven to work so stick with it.
- Make sure you rest when you are suppose to
- Include some cross training in your plan
- Find a running coach if you feel the need, they can be a valuable resource
- Know how you are getting there. For New York, you must reserve a bus or ferry ride to get to the start. Usually the roads leading to the Start will be closed to any traffic
- Reserve a room as soon as you sign up for the race-hotels can book up very fast.
- Find a hotel near the start of finish, so you don’t have to walk far to get back to the room
- Pasta Night-basically you want to be carbing up during the week prior to the race, however do not gorge. The event’s Pasta Night is fun, however don’t expect a 5 star meal
- Limit your time at the Expo, you want to be well rested and you can end up walking for hours up and down the aisle in search of goodies
- Have your waiver printed before hand and bring official identification
- Attend to any injuries immediately, so that the little twinge doesn’t become a big problem
- Know your limitations
- Ice and ice baths especially long runs
Equipment Gear
- Prepare to run without your iPod-you really want to pay attention to the road and your body
- Write your name on your shirt-so spectators will shout out your name to carry you to the next mile
- Double knot your laces
- Running Watch can keep track of your time, pace, mileage, and heart rate
- Safety Pins
- Garbage bags to cover your feet if it’s wet at the starters village, you don’t want to run with muddy shoes when you start
- Skin Protectant such as Body Glide to reduce chaffing.
- Bandaids
- Shoe wallet
Clothing should be moisture wicking products
- Determine what the weather will be planned – cold or warm weather gear.
- Hat or headband
- Special underwear
- Special socks
- Gloves
- Arm warmers or a long pair of tube socks
Food to keep you going. Experiment on your long training runs, not on race day
- Gels-Powergels, GU, Cliff Shots, Hammer…
- Gummy Bears
- Jelly Beans
- Some people carry water, it all depends on the event. NYC has water at every mile except for the first mile because you are over the Verrazano Narrows Bridge.
- Print out a copy of the course
- Some events have a bus tour
- Drive the course if possible
- Rest because you probably won’t get too much sleep the night before the race
- Continue what you’ve been doing for the past several months, do not try anything new during the race. You don’t want to be surprised with a belly ache just before the race
- Write or screen-print your name on your shirt, so the crowd can shout out, “Way to go! _______ !”
- Attach your bid to your shirt or singlet
- Lay out all the clothes, food and gear you plan on wearing
- Set your alarm on your clock radio, your watch, your cell phone, or hotel wake up call just make sure you wake up.
- Go to sleep, well try to go to sleep
Just before the start
- Double knot your shoes
- Do your warm up routine
- Remove any excess clothes that you think you will not need. All Marathons donate all of the left over clothing at the start
- Prep your watch to begin when you cross the starting line
During the run
- Smile
- Be relaxed
- High five the spectators
- Acknowledge those who yell out your name
- Continue what you’ve been doing for the past several months, do not try anything new during the race.
- Don’t be surprised if you see a bunch of guys and the occasional girl run to the side and go pee
- If you feel any pain, stop and seek medical assistance
- Don’t be surprised at all the spectators cheering you on
- Just don’t leave the course without notifying race professionals
I hope some of these tips will make your Marathon Experience an awesome one. Let me know if you used any of these tips. For more tips, please visit http://www.runwithnoah.com/

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